The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences

대순사상에 대한 한철학적 접근 방법론에 관한 시론

Sang-Yil Kim1,
1Hanshin University
Corresponding Author : Sang-Yil Kim

ⓒ Copyright 2009, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Jun 23, 2009 ; Revised: Jul 22-29, 2009 ; Accepted: Aug 08, 2009

Published Online: Aug 25, 2009


This paper is designed to show the relationship between the Daesoon Principle and the recent theories like transpersonal psychology(TP) and predicate logic. According to TP there are 3 categories and 8 elements inside of not only human consciousness but civilization; three are pre-ego, ego, trans-ego, and eight are Uroboros, Typhon, Greater Mother, solarization, and repetition of the previous fours. The former is called, for Ken Wilber, the Average mode and the latter, the Advanced mode. I think that Daesoon thought including general Korean National religions belongs to the Advanced mode.

I applied the predicate logic or paradoxical logic to understand of the Harmony of God and Man as well as Correspondence of Yin with Yang. The paradoxical logic has been not acceptable through two thousands years in the western tradition. I call the paradoxical logic the E type logic in this paper. The E type logic is most suitable logic for apprehending the Daesoon philosophy to a large extent. Finally my paper may contribute to the globalization of Daesoon mind system.

Keywords: Daesoon Grand Doctrines; Transpersonal psychology; Harmony of God and Man; Average mode; Advanced mode; Liar Paradox; Russell's Paradox; predicate logic; Uroboros; Typhon; Greater mother; Solarization; Correspondences of Yin with Yang; Zeongsan Sangjae; Daesoon 4 Major Doctrines



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