The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences

한국불교에서 본 대순사상: 미륵사상과 삼교회통(조화)사상을 중심으로

Byung-Wook Lee1,
1Korea University
Corresponding Author : Byung-Wook Lee

ⓒ Copyright 2015, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: May 31, 2015 ; Accepted: Oct 06, 2015

Published Online: Jun 01, 2017


In this paper, I will study the common point between Korean buddhist thought and Daesoon thought. In 2 chapter, I will illuminate Kang Jeungsan to be familiar with buddhist culture. Daewonsa(大院寺) was the place Kang Jeungsan's to enlighten Path. Kang Jeungsan said Śākyamuni to the people to follow himself. And Kang Jeungsan burned Thousand-Hands Sutra(千手經) as one of Chenjigongsa(天地公事). In 3 chapter I study the unfolding of Korean Maitreya thought and the interpenetration of the three teachings. In 4 chapter I study the idea of Maitreya Buddha and the unity of the three teachings in Daesoon thought. Maitreya has the origin in India. Korea accepted this Maitreya via China. In Silla era, the people accepted Maitreya in relation to Hwarang(花郞). In Unified Silla era, Beopsang jong(法相宗) accepted Maitreya devotion positively and the typical person is Jinpyo(眞表). In Goryeo era, Beopsang jong devoted Maitreya, on the other hand Maitreya devotion changed the popular devotion. In Joseon era, Maitreya devotion changed the popular devotion more and more. In this background, Kang Jeungsan accepted the idea of Maitreya Buddha. And Kang Jeungsan insisted that he is the existence to give Heaven’s decree to Choe Jeu(崔濟愚) of Donghak and to combine Jesus of Christianity. The interpenetration of the three teachings is one of the stream of Joseon era’s buddhim. We can read this in Hamheo Deuktong(涵虛得通)’s Hyeonjeongron(顯正論) and Yuseokjiluiron (儒釋質疑論) to pretend Hamheo Deuktong and Cheongheo Hyujeong(淸虛休靜)’s Samgagwigam(三家龜鑑). This interpenetration of the three teachings of Joseon era influenced Daesoon thought. The unity of the three teachings in Daesoon thought is divided into three. The first is the unity of the three teachings of Gwanwang(冠旺)’s standpoint, the second is the unity of the three teachings of Sungyo(仙敎) superior standpoint, the third is the unity of the three teachings of Jinmuk(震黙)’s anecdote. The interpenetration of the three teachings of Joseon era is connected with the unity of the three teachings of Jinmuk’s anecdote. Thus Joseon era’s buddhist thought and Daesoon thought have the common point in the idea of Maitreya Buddha and the interpenetration(unity) of the three teachings.

Keywords: Daewonsa(大院寺); Thousand-Hands Sutra(千手經); the interpenetration of the three teachings; Beopsang jong (法相宗); Jinmuk(震黙)'s anecdote; the idea of Maitreya Buddha



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