
대순사상에 나타난 동학의 위상과 증산의 참동학 전개

고남식 1 ,
Nam-Sik Ko 1 ,
Author Information & Copyright
1한국 ㆍ 대진대학교
Corresponding Author : Ko, Nam-Sik

ⓒ Copyright 2003, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 30, 2003


The Jeungsan(1871~1909)’s revelation is the important meaning. Jeungsan hands down the two revelation for solution of Chosun postscript problem and presentation of Utopia. One time Suwun(1824~1864) is handed down and afterwords Jeongsan(1895~1958) after Jeungsan’s Hwachon at 1917. Two revelations accomplish the day of the Jeungsan in public but the character is the countenance. The Jeungsan’s revelation to Suwun solves present generation problems, the Jeungsan revelation to Jeongsan is continuously to do the day of the Jeungsan even after Hwachon. The Jeungsan stepped on the failure of the Donghak and on the upper lifestyle with the Cham-Donghag it opened the different side. The Cham-Donghag is concerned about the future Chosun to be the first-class country and Chosun Haewon is related with Danju Haewon. Danju Haewon is to be a fifty years religous study of Jeongsan. The Jeungsan’s Gangse is to accomplish the Sungsajaein and it actualizes the appearance of Dotonggunja. Jeongsan is trying to do the religious activity about Sungsajaein and Dotonggunja as the Daedumok. The Jeungsan starts from revelation to the Suwun, to accomplish thought of the Cham-Donghag after Hwachon. The Jeungsan continuously has handed revelation led from religion activity, let Jeongsan do fifty years religious study. In the long run, it completes the fact that it accomplishes the outer space and the Chosun society of new setup, and a sacred religious work has been arranged the advocate of the Cham-Donghag through the Jeongsan by Woodang(1917~1996)`s Daesoonjinrihoe(1969).



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