
포월(包越)의 이념

이종철 1 ,
Jong-Cheol Lee 1 ,
Author Information & Copyright
1한국, 한국정신문화연구원
Corresponding Author : Lee, Jong-Cheol

ⓒ Copyright 2004, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2004


The present article deals with the concept ‘ekayāna’ as the spirit of the times in the period of Unifying War in Shilla, which is embodied in the thought of Wonhyo and Euisang.

This article is divided into five sections.

Section I introduces the background of research history regarding the spirit of the age during the Unifying War, and explaines the reason why we adopted two thinkers such as Wonhyo and Euisang, especially the concept ‘ekayāna’ of the two as a subject for inquiry.

Section II discusses on the hermeneutical difference between the Chinese Faxiang sect and Wonhyo regarding the interpretation of one passage from Saṃdhinirmocana-Sūtra, in which the relation between ekayāna and triyāna is explained. It is noteworthy that Faxiang sect places emphasis on the differentiation of triyāna, but Wonhyo gives emphasis to equality of ekayāna.

Section III refers to the hermeneutical horizons of Wonhyo which is connoted in the interpretation of Saṃdhinirmocana-Sūtra, especially focusing on the concept ‘ekayāna’. Here we can make a conclusion as follows;

Firstly, the ‘ekayāna’ in Wonhyo is immanent in ‘triyāna’ and at the same time transcendental from ‘triyāna’, so to speak ‘com-transcendetal’ with ‘triyāna’.

Secondly, there is inseparable and unmixable relation between ‘ekayāna’ and beings. In another words, ‘ekayāna’ is śūnyatā.

Thirdly, ‘ekayāna’ is a kind of universal truth(普法 pŭ fă) in that it offers the benefit to open and develop the immanent buddhadhātu of all living lives.

In addition to Wonhyo’s thought on ekayāna, section IV refers to the concept ‘ekayāna’ of Euisang. On Euisang, ‘ekayāna’ is ‘the perfect teaching(圓敎 yuán jiào)’ and ‘pratītyasamutpāda’. From this point of view, we can conclude that the thought on ekayāna between the two, Wonhyo and Euisang is not different, and completely coherent.

As a result, as it is concluded in section V, it is also clear that ekayāna has ‘com-transcendental’ relation to triyāna. Therefore we can safely make a conclusion that the spirit of the times in the period of Unifying War in Shilla among the leading thinkers is the vision for ‘com-transcendency’.

Keywords: 포월; 원효; 의상; 일승; 공성; 보법; 연기; 원교; 시대정신; 통일신라
Keywords: com-transcendency; Wonhyo; Euisang; ekayāna; śūnyatā; pŭ fă; yuán jiào; the spirit of the times; Unified Shilla



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