
《祖堂集》 巻20所載 「順之和尚の教説」 研究序説: 9世紀新羅における禅教関係の一形態

佐藤厚 1 ,
Sato Atsushi 1 ,
Author Information & Copyright
1日本, 東洋大學
Corresponding Author : Sato Atsushi

ⓒ Copyright 2009, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2005


The Korean Buddhism during the unified Silla era, was dominated by Huayen doctrine, which was developed by Uisang (義相) (625~702) and his disciples. During 8th century, many Korean monks visited China to study Chan Buddhism (禅). After they came back to Silla, they started to criticize Huayen philosophy as a doctrinal Buddhism (Jiao教). Their criticism depended on Chinese Chan Buddhist teachings.

Korean Chan monk Sunji (順之), a 9th century, was different from other Chan monks in Silla who were trained in China. His teachings are found in the volume20 of “Zutangji” (祖堂集). Although it is based on Chan thought, it has many doctrinal explanations and interpretations.

The conventional studies could not clearify the basis of his philosophy. As my research revealed, his teachings were based on the Huayen doctrine of Chinese Huayen monk Li Tongxuan (李通玄) who lived in 7th‐8th century. One of his doctorine is “San‐shen‐yuan‐jung‐kwan” (三聖円融観). It means the unify of three Holies (三聖) Vairocana Buddha (毘盧遮那仏), Manjusri Bodhisattva (文殊菩薩), and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (普賢菩薩). Monk Junshi used this theory in his teachings.

As mentioned above, “Sunji Hwasan’s teachings” included by the “Zutangji” (祖堂集) volume 20 is important as what offers a new viewpoint when exploring the relationship between the Chan and jiao in Silla in the 9th century.

Keywords: 신라; 선(禅); 화엄교학; 의상; 교학(교설)
Keywords: 順之 Sunji; 堂集 Zutangji; 李通玄 Li Tongxuan; 華厳教学 Huayen doctrine; 禅 Chan Buddhism



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