
재고해 보는 근사 체험(Near-Death Experience)과 그 종교적 의미

최준식 1 ,
Joon-Sik Choi 1 ,
Author Information & Copyright
1한국, 이화여자대학교
Corresponding Author : Choi, Joon-Sik

ⓒ Copyright 2009, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2005


Until 1970’s, mankind have not had definite perspectives on what life after the death was like, which is one of the most important problems for them. Their concepts of the ‘life and death problem’ has been distorted by the dogmas of the established religions such as Buddhism or Christianity on heaven and hell. But the mankind came to have wholly different views on the life after death thanks to the studies by Raymond Moody Jr. or Elizabeth Quebler-Ross in the mid-1970’s. This is the studies on the so-called ‘near-death experience(NDE)’ which made humankind be able to have scientific approach to the life after death for the first time in their history.

What attracts our attention at this point is, however, that the arguements of the NDErs on human destiny accurately coincide with those of the established religions. In the NDE, most of the experiencers have an encounter with the personal being, symbolized by the Light, through whom they learnt that the devotion(or love) to the neighborhood and the gain of the wisdom are the sole meaning of life. With this result, we can recognize why essential virtues maintained by the established religions until now such as ultimate compassion, unconditional love, forgiveness, or insightful learning are so significant, and that our studies of the NDE are very important in this respect.

Keywords: 죽음; 사후생; 근사 체험; 터널 효과; 윤회; 빛의 존재; 근사 체험의 종교적 의미
Keywords: Near-Death Experience; Significance; wisdom; humman destiny; life



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